Ephesians 6
6:5 talks about slaves obeying their masters. Although, I obviously am not a slave to Jackson/Jack&Indy because I get paid I do work for them and under them. And here I am instructed to serve with respect, fear, sincerity of heart, wholeheartedly, doing of the will of God from my heart just as if serving Christ. I wonder how many times I do that. Like never. I mean I was just cleaning and never was it with sincerity of heart. Good verse to keep in my mind as I come to work.
verse 10-17 talk about the amor of God. I've taught VBS lessons, Sunday school lessons, etc all on this topic and I think that often times it because a lesson for children and adults forget about it. Reading before it we are told to put on this armor "so that I can take my stand agains the devil's schemes." Not very childish. Seriously. this is for fighting against the dark world. {kinda sounds like Harry Potter} {funny because some people think Harry Potter is from the dark world} {I wonder what Christ thinks} {edifying} {more thoughts} but seriously the armor of God is serious business and I'm pretty sure most of the time my armor is more like cardboard- because I've made it that way. Ugh. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with how crappy I am.
Lord. Let me do Your will today. tomorrow. and everyday. I know I fail. And I know You love and forgive. Please love and forgive this sinner named Kim.