this week I've gotten sick. It doesn't happen very often so when it does it kind of overtakes me.ugh.
2 Peter 2 is about "False Teachers and Their Destruction" and man, is that destruction harsh.
verse 17-18 "Blackest darkness is reserved for them. For they mouth empty, boastful words and by appeaking to the lustful desires of sinful human nature, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error."
God knows what he is doing. He's got it all figured out. I pray that I found rest in that knowledge. I pray against these false teachers and that I will always be aware; that I may never fall into the trap of such a teacher.
[I have to blow my nose like every two seconds]
Lord, I come to you this morning with a heavy heart. Please be with Grandpa Huntley and Grandma Chris. You know what is happening, I do not. You know what will happen, I do not. I pray for strength and peace in their hearts right now; that they rely on only You. I pray for my momma that she would find rest in who you are and in all your promises. I'm at a loss for words God. Take this heart and make it new, make it true, make it like You. I put my life in Your hands. I pray my grandparents, my mom, and all those who are surrounding them can do the same.